The pattern of symptoms varies but usually includes a feeling of fullness or weight in the pit of the stomach. A sensation - either dull and steady or acute and spasmodic may appear immediately after eating, or it may appear after some time. Nausea and vomiting often relieve pain or discomfort.
Belching alone is not necessarily a sign of indigestion, other symptoms like heartburn, flatulence, coated tongue, headache, and dizziness may also be present.
Some important homeopathic remedies for indigestion are-
1. Nux Vom Q 10 drops should be taken regularly in the evening for a few days to cure indigestion. With that Hydrastis Q andCarica Papaya Q can give 10 drops to take.
2. If you have indigestion after eating vegetables and fruits, give China30.
3. If you have indigestion after eating fatty foods, give Pulsatilla 30.
4. If you have indigestion at night after eating more, then give Carbo Veg 30. In this case, air accumulates in the abdomen.