Dyspepsia indicates difficult digestion, indigestion refers to the failure to digest the food. If we consider for a moment all the factors that can cause dyspepsia, we can understand at once that the bag which has a wide mouth and a big belly called dyspepsia.
The important factors that can cause indigestion are-
1. Dyspepsia is caused by anatomical changes in the digestive system, such as catarrh, inflammation, ulceration, and the eruption of the lining of the stomach.2.Dyspepsia can be caused by a quantitative or qualitative alteration in digestive secretions such as gastric juice, pancreatic juice, liver, and intestinal secretions.
3. Abnormalities of the nervous system can cause dyspnea, as we notice that the result of excessive mental exertion disturbing the normal functioning of the digestive system.
4. And finally, dyspepsia can be caused by the use of stimulant foods or beverages like whiskey-dyspepsia, pepper and mustard dyspepsia, coffee dyspepsia, etc.
Indigestion is characterized by--
1. want of appetite ; craving for sour things, acrid or spicy things, etc.2. Accumulation of wind in the stomach, consequent shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.
3. Acid formation in the stomach, and as a result, sour, rancid eructations, heartburn, water brush, etc.
4. Food is not digested as a result of nausea or diarrhea.
5. The abdominal cavity is mostly sore to the touch, very sensitive to the pressure of clothing it feels full and often swells.
6.The patient feels improper mental and physical exertion, he is irritable, restless, sleep poorly, and if he sleeps, his sleep is full of dreams.
7. His hands and feet are usually cold and he is very sensitive to cold.
8. Feeling the loss of energy.