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Differential Diagnosis (DD) of Febrile Diseases, fever differential diagnosis, differential diagnosis of fever in child, types of fever, classification of fever, differential diagnosis of high fever,

16.Allergic fever-  If you have a history of suffering from eating certain foods, it means allergies. Blood tests show an increase in eosinophils in the blood.

17.Pneumonia-  Pneumonia refers to symptoms such as wheezing, runny nose, cough, chest pain with fever.

18.Tetanus-  Tetanus refers to a history of previous wounds and signs of body twisting or gnashing of teeth and convulsion with fever.

19.Sunstroke-  If there is a sudden high fever after exposure to too much sun, it means sunstroke.

20.Nephritis-  Symptoms such as urinary incontinence, urinary tract obstruction, etc. with fever indicate stone nephritis. All can be understood by examining the urine.

Symptoms of osteomyelitis include osteoarthritis, fever with severe bone pain, etc.

22. Mumps- Symptoms of salivary gland swelling with fever indicate mumps. It is commonly seen in children.

23.Hepatitis- Pain in the right shoulder, pain in the right chest, and a slight fever are symptoms of hepatitis or liver abscess.

24.Appendicities-  Appendicitis is a symptom of pain or severe pain in the right groin with fever.

25.Influenza-  Common cold, cough, and fever indicate simple fever for cold. If it happens to be very widespread in one area, it means influenza.

26.B.coli Fever-  Pathogens like malaria etc. are not present in the body, gonorrhea is not present in the body, sweating is present but it does not reduce the fever. If this is seen then it is necessary to test the urine - because it is a symptom of B.coli disease.

27.Rheumatic fever-  Increased pulse rate, chest pain, joint pain, and soreness, indicates rheumatic fever,

28.Diptheria-   The white membrane in the pharynx, shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing, pain in the tonsils indicate diphtheria fever.

29.Rat bite fever- If there is a history of cat or rat-bite with purple eruption it indicates a rat-bite fever.

30.Tuberculosis-  Regular evening fever, night sweats, no morning fever, chest pain, cough, pneumonia indicate Tuberculosis.

                 In this way, different types of fever and different types of diseases can be understood according to different symptoms.

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